Journey of Growth

I am excited about training.

Training is a critical step in our journey towards growth or transformation. It is not an end in itself, but it can help accelerate us towards growth, transformation, and fully living out our calling or maximizing our potential.

The Coaching Workshop for Business Executives and Managers

Increase the leadership effectiveness of your senior executives and managers!

This workshop focus on helping executives, managers, supervisors, and other leaders integrate coaching skills into their management and supervision roles. The workshop is tailored towards leaders in the business context.

The highly interactive workshop will enable you to get better results while working with people, be more effective in developing people in skills and capacity, and more!



The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders

Revolutionise the way you work and interact with people!

This is an intensive, highly interactive, workshop designed to help you (or your leaders) multiply your impact, whether at work, in ministry, in discipleship, in leading others, or in developing others. You learn powerful coaching skills that you can then integrate into your leadership roles, wherever you are.

People who take this workshop see significant advancements in their work or ministry impact while seeing their stress and busyness go down.









3 Skills to Maximise Your Leadership Impact

Effective leaders don’t just tell people what to do. They help others discover answers for themselves. These leaders know that if you discover it, you own it.

During this short, 90-minute special workshop, you will learn 3 simple but powerful skills that will help you maximize your leadership impact!

This is a highly interactive workshop! You will practice the 3 skills with other participants in breakout groups. This will prepare you to immediately use the 3 leadership skills in your own conversations and see results!



让你充分发挥领导效力的 3 项技能


在这个简短,90 分钟的特别工作坊里,学习简单却强效的 3 项技能,幫助你充分發揮你的領導效力!




Introduction to Coaching

Change your conversation, change your results!

During this short seminar, you will find out how Coaching Skills can revolutionise the way you lead or interact with people.

You might have heard about coaching. You might have thought, “Yeah, no big deal.”

But the fact is, coaching works! Thousands of leaders have already experienced an increased impact in their work and ministry, simply by learning and using coaching skills!

Partnering with You

My desire is to partner with you and co-create the journey that will empower you and your team to maximise your potential and make an impact.

Training is not about an event. It is about changing mindset, acquiring skills, building habits, and transforming behaviours. For training to be useful, we need reinforcements afterwards. Reinforcement might involve systems, processes, and environment. I will work with you so that you would benefit from your training.