It’s more important than you think!

Leaders are a busy lot of people.

We are responsible for getting our team (or organisation) to the goals and making sure the team accomplishes its mission. Apart from our primary objectives, we also have secondary responsibilities, like taking care of and motivating our team, among others.

Each day, many things demand our attention: not only those we’re primarily responsible for but sometimes those we are not directly responsible for. With so many things to deal with, we tend to be very busy most of the time; though some leaders actually wear “busyness” as a badge of honour!

Continue reading “Why Every Leader Should Have a Regular Reflection Time”







Continue reading “阻碍你有效领导的 3 种思维”

Three Mindsets that Prevent You from Leading Effectively

Your mindset affects your behaviour!


Leadership is not just about skills, it’s also about your mindset.

I learned about leadership, at least initially, mostly by observing leaders in real life and, sometimes, from novels, movies, or television shows. The qualities I observed resonated with me, and I told myself I’d like to be an effective leader like those I have observed.

The problem, though, was that most of those leaders I sought to imitate often seemed perfect. Perhaps they were not actually perfect, but they do seem that way.

Continue reading “3 mindsets that prevent you from leading effectively”


“团队” 这个词对不同的人来说意味着不同的东西。

我与团队领导者及他们的团队协作时,常遇到对 “团队” 有不同的见解。一位领导者可能用这词来代表所有在他之下工作的每一个人,而另一位领导者可能只用这词来代表某些人。

即使在同一个团队里,每个成员也可能对 “团队” 这词有不同的理解;有些甚至与他们的领导者的理解不同。

Continue reading “你需要做出的 5 项关于团队的关键决定”

They affect what your team look like!

The word “Team” means different things to different people.

When I work with team leaders and their teams, I often encounter different notions of what the “team” really is. One team leader may use the word to refer generally to everyone who works under him, while another might refer to a specific group of people.

Even within a team, each member might have a different understanding of what the “team” is; this might even be different from the team leader’s understanding!

Continue reading “5 key decisions you need to make about your team”