


Continue reading “5 种简单方法,让你展示对团队的重视”

It’s not about rewards!

It’s hard to have a good team. I’m not saying it’s rare; I’m saying it takes an effort to nurture and maintain one.

Some of us have been with teams where the leader is only interested in getting the job done; in which we’re mere tools for the leader to achieve his/her goals. Chances are, I would move on as soon as an opportunity comes along.

Continue reading “5 simple ways to show your team you value them”





Continue reading “五种激励团队的简单方法”

It’s not that difficult, and you don’t have to do it alone!

One major challenge of all team leaders is to keep their teams motivated. A motivated team would not only give their best but also stay together longer.

I was privileged to be with highly-motivated teams and have led several ones too. But not all teams started that way.

One team that I led was particularly challenging because they were already demoralised when I took over as the team leader!

Continue reading “Five simple ways to motivate your team”


你或许有听过这句话:“领导就是把任务完成。” 或 “领导就是透过他人把任务完成。”


Continue reading “领导者,你的团队需要你为他们做五件事来帮助他们成功。”