
在我现在的职位中,我需要不断地发展新的领袖;因此我参与教练工作坊,并且邀请Richard 作我的教练。

教练时间有蛮大部分在自我察觉,Richard 透过许多深入但中性的好问题促使我思考自己真正想要的是什么、为什么我要做这或做那个决定。


Continue reading “突破框架、经历成长”




Continue reading “节奏、步伐、做自己”

Discovering the potential and abilities within.

Just like the Bible says that iron sharpens iron, that’s how a man sharpens another. I wanted to get better results, and I realized that I needed some help. If I have a godly mentor, I will be able to ask questions, seek guidance, and reach better results. I saw in Richard a good opportunity, and was honored that he was willing to be my coach, because of his experience in ministry.

Continue reading “Growth in Confidence”

How one leader felt empowered through coaching.

Over the years I have always been passionate about using technology in ministry and leadership development. I had multiple roles, which meant leading two teams at some point. Developing my leadership capacity was a major area that I wanted to grow in because I was spreading myself too thin, finding it hard keeping up with prioritizing, and ministry was not getting easier. It was time to get some help.

Continue reading “Discovering the answers within.”