Team Strengths Discovery

USD 1,200.00

Discover your team’s individual and collective strengths!

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What are your team’s strengths?

Your team members are all capable individuals, each with various talents and strengths. How do their talents and strengths contribute to the team’s performance? How do their talents and strengths affect the team’s overall behaviour and performance?

A team is more than the sum of its parts.

Every team member brings his/her uniqueness to the team, affecting its overall characteristics. The team leader also brings his/her own uniqueness to the way he/she leads the team. Team members’ talents interact with one another to shape how the team plans, makes decisions, pursues its goals, maintains relationships, or responds to challenges. 

Every team has collective strengths and vulnerabilities!

Understanding the team’s individual and collective strengths and vulnerabilities allows it to leverage its talents and collaborate effectively to achieve its performance objectives.

We will help your team discover your team strengths and make informed decisions about intentionally using your strengths. 



  • All team members (including the team leader) must have completed the CliftonStrengths® Assessment and a debrief to help them understand their own talents and strengths. (Team members who need a debrief may do so using the Understand Your Talents package.)


Included in this package:

  • A 3-hour coaching session to help the team discover and explore its collective strengths. The team will also arrive at some initial steps to intentionally use its strengths.


Important Note:

  • This engagement only deals with one team. We will not consider sub-teams or a team of teams.
  • The entire team (i.e. the team leader and all team members) must be involved in all aspects of this engagement.
  • Once your payment is processed successfully, we will contact you to discuss the next steps and make further arrangements.
  • The session will be conducted online. However, if you are in Singapore, we may do so in a physical meeting. You must provide the venue and all necessary arrangements for the physical meeting.