Unleash Your Team’s Potential: Coaching Conversations that Drive Results

Ditch the Command-and-Control Model and Build a High-Performing Team (Part Two)


According to Gallup, nearly 80% of employees worldwide are either not engaged or actively disengaged.1  Gallup further found that engagement levels would increase significantly if leaders had frequent coaching conversations with their team members.2

Despite the benefits of having regular coaching conversations with their team members, many leaders are still not doing it or, worse, avoiding it!

One common reason leaders say prevents them from coaching is the assumption that they don’t have time. They fail to realise that integrating coaching into their regular conversations with their team members (i.e., coaching-style conversations instead of formal coaching) would take much less time than they expect.

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Unleash Your Team’s Potential: Become a Leader-Coach (Not Just a Boss)

Ditch the Command-and-Control Model and Build a High-Performing Team (Part One)


The world of work has changed.

In today’s dynamic work environment, where disruptive change is the norm, the traditional command-and-control model of leadership is no longer effective. Instead, leaders must embrace a model where they empower their teams and leverage their individual and collective strengths to adapt, innovate, and deal with challenges.

In other words, leaders must use a coaching approach by integrating coaching into their roles.

While organisations are increasingly expecting their leaders/managers to coach employees, the reality is that many leaders don’t know how to coach well.1, 2  One problem is that they don’t understand what coaching means. Another issue is that they don’t have the skills or mindset to do it well.

Continue reading “Unleash Your Team’s Potential: Become a Leader-Coach (Not Just a Boss)”