What do my clients say about my training?

My training can help you make an impact! Here’s what participants of previous training say:

“This was a most useful, enjoyable and practical workshop that gave me a clear and memorable model for coaching. I was able to use what I learned immediately.”

– Rev. Chiang M.S., TTC

“I have gained valuable experience by learning to listen with my whole body, mind and soul.

The powerful way to use questions has deepened in me the ability to discover another person’s state of mind; their real intention and agenda.”

– C.L. Koh, Manager

“I am no longer the person who provides answers, but someone who helps another discover their own answers and then work towards change. The whole process is relaxed and yet motivates the person being coached.”

– Shirley C., Women’s Ministry

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“Richard 是个很有耐心的教练,短时间中,他快速教会我们如何使用教练工具,并把教练技巧模组系统化,练习过程一天比一天加深加广,带领我们确实落地应用,三天中令我不可思议的满载而归,非常兴奋!”

– Carol Y., Read.Life

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“Richard 十分专业的带领方式,藉由不断的分组探讨演练,共同分享讨论所得等方式。让学员能亲自体验并修正自己。这是十分好用有效的教练与辅导协谈锻炼。对于牧者,青年事工领导们都非常实用。”

– 杜牧師


– Leo H., Leon Solution

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Coaching skill is a good skill to acquire. With it, I can help a person figure out concrete goals which he can work towards. I can also help the person consider the motivations behind the pursuit of those goals.

The course has also been helpful for me personally. The questions which I pose to my coachee can also be applied to me, helping me to examine my own motivations for wanting to achieve certain goals.

During the workshop, Richard was engaging and demonstrated very well the coaching principles that he was teaching us.

– Rev. Lee K.S., Pastor, Singapore

To me, The Coaching Workshop was the highlight of 2018.

I discovered my blind spot, which is how not to give advice. In the coaching workshop, I was amazed at how one can find solutions to their problems.

This workshop benefited me in three ways:

  1. It was very practical as it gave me a model on how to do coaching naturally.
  2. It allowed me to see how I could draw people out and help them to take responsibilities for their lives.
  3. It also taught me how to handle feedback well.

– Rev. Janet Yan, Pastor, Singapore

“教练工作坊” 是我历年接受的训练中最翻转我服事观念的装备课程。 “教练模式” 的训练挑战我必须放下自己内心的优越感或信手捻来的指导棋,谦卑地领受圣灵在对方以及在自己生命交会时刻的带领,学习更贴近神的心思意念,以全人的聆听参与,再凝聚成一个个有力道的问题,帮助对方发觉上帝已经为他开了的一条路,并能有信念、持之以恒地往前走。

– 绮思,台北

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Although I have experimented with coaching in the past, the COACH framework is a very helpful way to be intentional and to stay focused. The various practice sessions were dynamic and gave the opportunity to play with ways to raise awareness by exploring different angles.

I will be integrating coaching skills into regular sessions with the 10 regional directors in SIM who report to me, as well as in less formal interactions nurturing new generations in mission.

– Dr Diane Marshall, SIM