Unleash Your Team’s Potential: Become a Leader-Coach (Not Just a Boss)
Ditch the Command-and-Control Model and Build a High-Performing Team (Part One)
The world of work has changed.
In today’s dynamic work environment, where disruptive change is the norm, the traditional command-and-control model of leadership is no longer effective. Instead, leaders must embrace a model where they empower their teams and leverage their individual and collective strengths to adapt, innovate, and deal with challenges.
In other words, leaders must use a coaching approach by integrating coaching into their roles.
While organisations are increasingly expecting their leaders/managers to coach employees, the reality is that many leaders don’t know how to coach well.1, 2 One problem is that they don’t understand what coaching means. Another issue is that they don’t have the skills or mindset to do it well.
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